

欢迎关注及参加定时的奖励活动~ ~\(≧▽≦)/~

卡塔尼娅心理小世界 (Cathania Psychology) 是一个以心理学、经典文句以及生活经历有关的部落格,绿色家园的设计和贴心的绿化世界带领着关注者走向舒服的私人空间,并且拥有各种各样的小知识~ ^^



最近都没怎么上博客,还望大家见谅哈~ o(>﹏<)o 这是一个神奇眼力测试图,数数看你能找到多少黑点点吧! ^O^


闲话杂谈 ②:超级推荐一个部落格!

有一句话就叫作“好朋友就是互相力挺......” (啊喂废话太多了啦><) 

今天想分享一个部落格,部落格的名字叫“杰西卡的知识宇宙”。 里头详细的记录着她对科学的认知与喜爱,是一个非常不错的部落格,而且旁边还有“每日祈祷”呢! 

杰西卡是一个非常认真,喜爱科学以及对任何事物都超级好奇的女孩。(太夸张了吧 →_→)

如果你是对科学或生活小知识或只是单纯感到好奇的话都可以到她的部落格踩踩逛逛哦~ ^^

走,现在就一起去感受科学与知识的奥妙吧~ ヽ(゜▽゜ )-C<(/;◇;)/~

PS# 她的部落格可以到博客明星找寻哦~

闲话杂谈 ①: 拖拖拉拉的卡塔尼娅

话说卡塔尼娅是一个极其拖拖拉拉的人,什么事都是“啊,待会才干吧~”但又想想立刻干完待会就不用干了所以又立即去把所有活干完才休息。 (你确定?)

所以这次卡塔尼娅就找了在纽西兰凯库拉的某位斯巴达式老师指教指教关于化学的一切。 呃...... 对卡塔尼娅来说,化学是硬伤,但为什么每个人却都对化学了如指掌? :o 


  1. QAR 学习模式
  2. 数学程式运转
  3. 突击化学知识
有了这三点,化学就不再是困难的科目啦~~~ (才怪!还是很难好不好 T^T)

*Photo credit: Cathania's Art Diary 2: Chapter ⑧: ABOUT LEARNING CHEMISTRY (You can click the picture to make it looks bigger)

*More information details about learning, please go to CBSE-Notes Blogspot and Study With Cathania Blogspot. You can find the link of these blogspots in the Blog Superstar. :) 


First Trailer

I am going to develop and write a new literary fiction/novel named <Mademoiselle>. This will be my second english short novel. I will start to post one chapter of this novel in this blogspot every week and sometimes I will post some of  my old novel. :) Be sure to check it every week! ><

Introduction and Review:

Aurelie, a cursed princess, was said to born as a sacrifice to the God. Her brother Seth is a cunning prince which have a perfect plan to control the kingdom of Mitochondal by his own hands. But as a mysterious outlander came, his whole plan was destroyed. Will Seth succeed his plan? Did Aurelie survive from the resurrection day? It is the time to checkmate.





“My Song for You”

16-6-2016, 马六甲文化小学颜玮惠同学所唱的献给姚礼身老师的歌其实是参考来自 Bridgit Mendler 的“My Song for You”。 这首歌的80%灵感都是由我原创被老师发掘而形成的一首歌,在众多退休宴会啊毕业典礼啊都有被演唱过,算是一场家喻户晓的歌了吧? (想太多...... XD)


Why my middle name is Cathania?

有些人开始问为什么我的中间名要叫卡塔尼娅, 其实...... 我也不知道, 就是有一个很欠揍的人取的。 o(>﹏<)o 

Some peoples started to ask why my middle name is Cathania, actually...... I also don't know either, it is just been nicknamed by an arrogant person. o(>﹏<)o

Little Story X Cold Joke
When I was 5 years old......

Audley (8 years old): Hey why don't you pick a middle name just like me?
Me: What is a middle name? XoX
Audley: ...... Stupid one, the name in the middle of course!
Me: Why I don't have one? Xo
Audley: Hmm let me think of one for you...... Well my name is Audley George Anderson, you can name Vivian George Quek!
Me: Eww it doesn't sounds a good name for me.
Audley: Hey I am serious! How about an animal name? Let see you afraid of cats, so how about Vivian Cat Quek?
Me: ......
Audley: Hah looks like a weirdo. Maybe Catha? Cat add to hah, brillant am I?
Me: ...... x2
Audley: What your still not happy about it? Okay okay 你啊 (Ni A: In Chinese means 'You ah') don't be too picky. 
Me: ...... x3
Audley: Fine! My bad! Either you like it or not, you will be named Cathania! Well that's the nicest name I thought! Don't be picky you brat! (Saying with an arrogant face)
Me: ...... xN
(So my name is Vivian Cathania Quek. Huh? Not funny? It looks like a cold joke for me. XD)

Picture: Sylvie the brave girl.
Artist: Vivian Cathania Quek (Me)



这是我每天(除了星期六和星期日......)都会经过的上学路线! ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜ 风景是很美啦,只不过天桥有人乱乱画画...... 每次来这里都会很紧张,路上会有英文电台(车上的收音机)的陪伴,有如前往欧美地带的感觉。我最喜欢的是这里有蔚蓝的天空相伴!(除了雨天......),这里竟然还有邮局呢!:)


Instagram Shout Out~

Today I am gonna making a shout out for my Instagram account! ♪(^∇^*) In this top screenshot it is my art, bullet journal and all those stuff things account. It has much more post (OK I KNOW THE REAL ONE JUST HAVE 1 POST X-X) Please follow this!! :)

And this account is about my cycling view or other scenery. Ok I know when you see this it is like 🍃...... Oh well, thank you for your support! ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜

A big big coindence

Guess what? I met sooo many people in one day! It is sooo cool. I didn't even realize we met together like we had set a time and met each other in a particular time and location. It was astonishing. (PS# I can't believe someone said that he never went to anywhere and AUSTRALIA rules and I saw his dad and his younger sister in JUSCO). I think I will be hit like this if he knows. ( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄皿 ̄///)



2月7日里,我有了一个美丽的新年回忆!其实,这不是真的流星啦,它会形成流星是因为我摇摆着手机然后利用一些角度问题拍了慢慢飞远的孔明灯......  不过还是很美啦!  :)


我的绘画技术进步了噢噢噢! ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜ 我要再勤加练习!:)